The Value of Apulia

/The Value of Apulia
The Value of Apulia2018-10-01T13:37:48+00:00

Project Description

The Value of Apulia

Tourism, with its capacity to mobilise hundreds of millions people, is already having a revolutionary effect on territorial vocations and development dynamics.

The Value of Apulia is the brand marking all New Ideas activities in tourism, as a pro-active response to the evident lack of proper – in quantity but especially in quality – touristic services in Puglia (and in Italy more generally).

Services not satisfactory if we consider volumes and the category of tourists that our Country and our Region are attracting and desire, more and more to attract.

Before becoming active in conventions, DMC, thematic itineraries, tutorial tours, etc The Value of Apulia has been the first initiative in the field of customer satisfaction for those who are visiting Puglia. A website-questionnaire in seven different languages, to be filled in and obtain a discount bonus to be spent in all commercial activities supporting the project.

Upon this basic business concept, small local networks of activities were born, as spending circuits for visitors, till the adoption of “welcome cards”, like in the consolidated German practice.

This pioneering experience of discount vouchers has anticipated the mass employment of vouchers as a micro-marketing tool, in tourism like in all the tertiary sector, in general.

Project details


Website in 8 different languages (Italiano, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese)

Implementation promotion and start-up of 2 local mini-networks, with welcome cards

Preparation promotion and sale of 3 mini-kits, as gifts for congresses’ participants